Australia’s Largest Tyre Recycler – Now Recycling Even More!
Ozcom Recycling by Tyrecycle is an extension of ResourceCo’s commitment to maximising the value of all resources.
Located at 770-800 Redback Plains Rd, Redback Plains, 34km southwest of Brisbane, Ozcom Recycling has been a well-known and trusted recycler of end-of-life car, truck and bus tyres during the past decade. In November 2023 Ozcom Recycling became part of ResourceCo’s tyre recycling business, Tyrecycle and moving forward will be known as Ozcom Recycling by Tyrecycle.

Operational Continuity
Existing Ozcom Recycling customers can still expect to receive the same service, team and site operations as Ozcom Recycling by Tyrecyle comes into effect. If any existing or prospective clients would like to learn more about their tyre recycling options, please contact us on (07) 3814-5270.